Does Filler Really Go Away on Its Own?

Hyaluronic acid injected into skin binds water molecules to give volume & soften fine lines. Dermal fillers last around 18 months but body can easily dissolve them if you want to remove them before that date.

Does Filler Really Go Away on Its Own?

Hyaluronic acid injected into the skin binds to water molecules to give volume to the skin and soften fine lines. Dermal fillers last around 18 months, but the body can easily dissolve them if you want to remove them before that date. In the past year, Dr. Gavin Chan has made a remarkable discovery about dermal fillers that has “stunned” him when it comes to their longevity.

Traditionally, it was believed that fillers last between 6 and 12 months, maybe 18 months. However, if you search the Internet or ask other aesthetic doctors and patients, the answer is usually the same: 6, 12, or 18 months. The fillers disappear completely as they are designed to be temporary. Since they are a gel, the body will metabolize them and absorb the material.

There is no evidence that any of the filling is left. When fillers are injected by a board-certified doctor who has extensive training in treatment, they don't migrate. Hyaluronic acid fillers, which are the most common, contain hyaluronic acid that dissolves over time. Fillers don't stay in the dermal structure, so you should repeat treatments at regular intervals to maintain the results.

Regular use of these products does not cause skin sagging when done properly. Be sure to work with a qualified injector and these risks won't be a cause for concern. The filler usually lasts about 12 months and also causes the body to produce more collagen on its own. Before you receive your first filler injection, you may want to know when you will see the results, how long they will last, and how long the fillers will take to dissolve if you don't like the results.

At first, some patients have some swelling and minor bruising after the filler is injected, but they should go away in a few days or a week. One of the main assumptions is that hyaluronic acid fillers eventually dissolve, and then it's time to get more. And while it is true that part of what is injected dissolves and is discarded by the body, it is not true that the body completely dissolves the filler in its entirety. Restylane is a firm and thin gel that allows the injector to sculpt and shape the nasal skin in a way more effective than thicker fillers.

We offer medical and surgical dermatology services in addition to cosmetic procedures such as an FDA-approved injectable dermal filler or Botox injections. In today's world where health and vitality are highly valued, youth has much more weight than having a face full of fillings once had. Dr. Gavin Chan's groundbreaking revelations over the past 12 months have changed the way all aesthetic doctors and nurses in his clinics inject dermal fillers.

The duration of chin fillers depends on the type of filler used, the treatment area and the body chemical composition of the person. Most dermal fillers settle down or show their full results after 2 to 3 weeks, although there are some exceptions. Since this muscle is constantly contracting, it makes sense that over time, the fillers could migrate north as a result of this lip movement. He explains that overuse of dermal filler on the face can result in a “squirrel” -like face, just the opposite of what most patients are looking for.

This usually occurs in people who exercise regularly as exercise increases their metabolic rate and causes the filler to be metabolized more quickly. Smoking can also affect the longevity of the filler due to constant muscle contraction and pursing of the lips. The only place where it is not applied is in the area of lower eyelid where there is very little soft tissue that can hold the filler or where there is not enough soft tissue and orbicular muscle of eye tends to push implant towards area of lower pressure i.e close to nose. I've recently watched videos and heard several plastic surgeons say that filling never completely disappears but simply migrates especially if it's not under bones.

You can keep your look after filling if you follow regular touch-up program but filling will disappear over time if you don't. Since MRI images show that lip fillers can migrate upward Dr Gavin Chan theorizes this is because mouth is very active in particular orbicular oris muscle which controls movements of mouth & lips. This is why fillers should be performed by plastic surgeons & people who know facial anatomy very well & not in beauty salon or by doctors who have absolutely none relationship with aesthetics & facial region.